
Organo Clay | 2 Types Rheological Additive for solvent based & Water Based

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Organo Clay

Organo Clay | 2 Types Rheological Additive for solvent based & Water Based



Examples of Applications for Organo Clay
CP-40 is an organo clay based product. 
This product removes hydrocarbons and oil from water with no byproducts.
This clay works by forming organic pillars between the clay platelets, allowing for hydrocarbon partitioning.
Here are some examples of organo clay applications.
Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of this product.
You might be surprised by its adaptability.
Continue reading to learn more about this product!
Modification of bentonite clay to improve its adsorption capacity
Sodium salts were used to help activate bentonite clay at low temperatures.
The adsorptive properties of bentonite clay were evaluated using textural, morphological, and functional analyses of the raw material.
The various variations of clay minerals provided various opportunities to investigate the impact of structure and charge on metal ions.
They were able to study how metal ions are coordinated to surface hydroxyl sites as a result of this.
The rheological properties of the clays, as well as the effect of their chemical composition on their adsorption capacity, were also investigated.
However, these clay minerals are still a source of contention.
Clays are frequently used in water treatment processes.
Using them in this manner allows the clay to be reused and improves its adsorption capacity.
A common issue, however, is the difficulty in separating the adsorbate and adsorbent mixture.
Although clays have a large specific surface area, they are difficult to disperse, making it difficult to separate the adsorbent from the adsorbate.
The adsorption capacity of bentonite clay increased with increasing pH, but the amount of dye that could be removed varied with shaking time, adsorbent concentration, 

and solution pH. ORGANO CLAY
According to one study, 0.05 g of bentonite was enough to remove 90% of the dye from aqueous solutions.
Adsorption of the dye took less than 10 minutes from the start of the reaction, and equilibrium between the adsorbate and the bentonite was reached in less than ten minutes.
This experiment revealed that bentonite was a powerful adsorbent and that the adsorbate species were moved to the adsorbent particles’ outer surface.
While bentonites had higher adsorption capacities, modified bentonites had higher adsorption rates at lower temperatures.
These techniques have also been used to treat various diseases and adsorbents.
The modified bentonite clays, on the other hand, outperformed their unmodified counterparts in repelling synthetic dyes over a wide concentration range.
Organo Clay | 2 Types Rheological Additive for solvent based & Water Based
Modified bentonite clay characterization
Organoclay was created as a result of surfactant modification of bentonite clays.
Because of its hydrophobic surface, this clay has improved adsorption properties.
Organobentonite clays are widely used in environmental applications because of their high efficiency at adsorbing water-soluble organic molecules.
Organic cations that modify the clay are typically cationic surfactants  .
Modified bentonite clays have a higher carbon content than pure bentonite.
The carbon content of bentonite clays is increased by loading organic molecules into its galleries.
The bentonite and organic moieties in the galleries were treated with cationic and anionic surfactants.
organic moieties in the clay, and the modified clay displayed significant morphological changes.
The pristine clay, in particular, had a massive curved plate-like structure, whereas the modified clay had a more porous and foamy texture.
The packing density of the surfactant determines its intercalation in organoclay clays.
Modified bentonite clays have gained enormous popularity in recent years, particularly as aromatic compound adsorbents.
For the first hour, the new hybrid clay exhibited greater adsorption capacity than other modified clays and compared favorably to other types of clay.
This clay is excellent for landfill liners and petroleum spill adsorbents.
Organo Clay | 2 Types Rheological Additive for solvent based & Water Based
Preparation methods
To make an organoclay, disperse it in polymer-containing organic or water solutions.
In order for the clay mineral to reach its target size, it must be dispersed sufficiently in these solvents.
The charge density of clay minerals varies with thickness and between individual layers, although charges are more uniform at the center of each clay particle.
Defects in the structure and heterogeneity in the charge distribution facilitate local aggregation of organO CLAY substances and mineral exfoliation.
Organoclay is typically dispersed in water at a concentration of one to five percent solids, with a weight percent range of one to three.
Heat and high shear are applied to the clay dispersion to ensure that the clay platelets are adequately hydrated.
The dispersion is then treated with a nonionic polymeric hydrotrope.
The resulting mixture has a hydrophobic surface and a hydrophilicity-to-lipophilicity ratio of up to 120 percent.
The surface of the clay is further modified with modifying agents depending on the type of polymer used.
They provide a palletized form and hasten clay exfoliation.
Organoclays have a highly complex interlayer structure, with several layers of organo clay modifiers arranged in close proximity to one another.
These organoclay preparation methods represent a significant advancement in the field of organic chemistry.
According to some studies, high-molecular-weight polar compounds play an important role in organoclay exfoliation.
The high-molecular-weight oligomeric activator can improve organoclay exfoliation and compatibility with the polymer matrix.
The activators should be used at the same concentrations as low-molecular-weight polar activators, but with a higher molecular weight and in greater proportion.
These methods, however, are costly and require a high organic loading to be effective.
Modified bentonite clay applications
Organoclay is a synthetic organic material created by combining inorganic cations and quaternary ammonium salts with bentonite clay.
Organoclays are highly porous and capable of absorbing water.
The first step in accomplishing this was to modify bentonite with a nonionic surfactant.
The bentonite samples were combined with 2000 g of cationic surfactant (TX100) solution and stirred at 14,000 rpm for 10 minutes.
Following that, the samples were centrifuged and dried at 40 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.
modified bentonite.
The modified clay was further modified by substituting quaternary ammonium salt for exchangeable inorganic cations.
Organic compounds and other contaminants were tested for leaching in the modified clay.
The modification of bentonite results in organoclays that can be used as thickeners in solvent-based systems.
These clays have a variety of properties, including high temperature resistance, pigment suspension, and emulsion stabilization.
Organoclay is sold in the global cosmetics and personal care market on an annual basis.
Organoclay has numerous advantages.
Bentonite, a mixture of inorganic and organic amine salts, is the source of organoclay.
Each sheet has two ions, each with two central atoms.
An exchangeable cation holds the two together and is responsible for the high adsorption capacity.

Organo Clay

Examples of Organo Clay Applications CP-40 is an item made of organo clay.
This product removes hydrocarbons and oil from water with no byproducts.

This clay works by forming organic pillars between the clay platelets, allowing for hydrocarbon partitioning.
Here are some examples of organo clay applications.
Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of this product.
You might be surprised by its adaptability.
Continue reading to learn more about this product!
Bentonite clay has been altered to increase its ability for adsorption.
Sodium salts were used to help activate bentonite clay at low temperatures.
The adsorptive properties of bentonite clay were evaluated using textural, morphological, and functional analyses of the raw material.

The many variants of clay minerals offered numerous chances to look at how structure and charge affected metal ions.
As a result, they were able to investigate how metal ions are linked to surface hydroxyl sites.

Additionally, the rheological characteristics of the clays and the impact of their chemical makeup on their adsorption capacity were looked at.
These clay minerals continue to be a contentious topic, nevertheless.
In the process of treating water, clays are widely used.
By using them in this way, the clay can be reused and has a greater ability to absorb substances.
The inability to clearly distinguish between the adsorbate and adsorbent combination, however, is a frequent problem.


Clays are difficult to disperse, despite having a large specific surface area, which makes it challenging to distinguish between the adsorbent and the adsorbate.
The amount of dye that could be removed varied with shaking time, adsorbent concentration, and solution pH, although the adsorption capacity of bentonite clay increased with rising pH.
One study found that 0.05 g of bentonite was sufficient to take 90% of the color out of aqueous solutions.
From the time the reaction began until the dye was absorbed, it took less than ten minutes for the adsorbate and bentonite to reach equilibrium.

This experiment demonstrated that the adsorbate species were transported to the adsorbent particles’ outer surface and that bentonite was a potent adsorbent.
Modified bentonites exhibited better adsorption rates at lower temperatures whereas bentonites had larger adsorption capacity.
These methods have also been applied to the treatment of different ailments and adsorbents.
On the other hand, the modified bentonite clays outperformed their unmodified counterparts in the ability to repelled synthetic colors over a broad concentration range.
Clay Organo | 2 Types Water-based and Solvent-Based Rheological Additive
Modified characterisation of bentonite clay
Bentonite clays were modified using surfactants to produce organoclay.
This clay’s surface is hydrophobic, which enhances its adsorption capabilities.
Due to their excellent effectiveness at adsorbing water-soluble organic compounds, organobentonite clays are frequently employed in environmental applications.

Defects in the structure and heterogeneity in the charge distribution facilitate local aggregation of organic substances and mineral exfoliation.
Organoclay is typically dispersed in water at a concentration of one to five percent solids, with a weight percent range of one to three.
Heat and high shear are applied to the clay dispersion to ensure that the clay platelets are adequately hydrated.
The dispersion is then treated with a nonionic polymeric hydrotrope.
The resulting mixture has a hydrophobic surface and a hydrophilicity-to-lipophilicity ratio of up to 120 percent.
The surface of the clay is further modified with modifying agents depending on the type of polymer used.
They provide a palletized form and hasten clay exfoliation.
Organoclays have a highly complex interlayer structure, with several layers of organic modifiers arranged in close proximity to one another.
These organoclay preparation methods represent a significant advancement in the field of organic chemistry.
According to some studies, high-molecular-weight polar compounds play an important role in organoclay exfoliation.
The high-molecular-weight oligomeric activator can improve organoclay exfoliation and compatibility with the polymer matrix.
The activators should be used at the same concentrations as low-molecular-weight polar activators, but with a higher molecular weight and in greater proportion.
These methods, however, are costly and require a high organic loading to be effective.
Modified bentonite clay applications
Organoclay is a synthetic organic material created by combining inorganic cations and quaternary ammonium salts with bentonite clay.
Organoclays are highly porous and capable of absorbing water.
The first step in accomplishing this was to modify bentonite with a nonionic surfactant.
The bentonite samples were combined with 2000 g of cationic surfactant (TX100) solution and stirred at 14,000 rpm for 10 minutes.
Following that, the samples were centrifuged and dried at 40 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.
modified bentonite.
The modified clay was further modified by substituting quaternary ammonium salt for exchangeable inorganic cations.
Organic compounds and other contaminants were tested for leaching in the modified clay.
The modification of bentonite results in organoclays that can be used as thickeners in solvent-based systems.
These clays have a variety of properties, including high temperature resistance, pigment suspension, and emulsion stabilization.
Organoclay is sold in the global cosmetics and personal care market on an annual basis.
Organoclay has numerous advantages.
Bentonite, a mixture of inorganic and organic amine salts, is the source of organoclay.
Each sheet has two ions, each with two central atoms.
An exchangeable cation holds the two together and is responsible for the high adsorption capacity.


Organo clay Bentonite is used for environmental protection.

The purification agent adsorbent of organo bentonite clay used in sewage treatment has brought a great change to environmental protection. Because of its good dispersion, small particles, large specific surface area and other characteristics, the use of organic bentonite in sewage treatment is a very ideal recommendation.

Organo clay Bentonite is used in petrochemical industry.

Organo clay Bentonite is widely used in the petrochemical industry for empirical decolorization of oil, grease, paraffin oil, purification of petroleum cracking, synthesis of organic binders, insecticides, carrier value hardeners of fungicides, intensifiers of paraffin wax, colorants of adhesives, plastics, etc.

Organo clay Bentonite is used in the building materials industry.

When bentonite is used as waterproof material, the products include bentonite waterproof board, which can teach you water stop strip and bentonite emulsified asphalt waterproof coating. Bentonite waterproof board is mostly used for underground works and external waterproofing.

 The waterproof board can expand in water with small permeability coefficient and good self–steem durability. The comment shows that swelling in water is a kind of joint waterproof material with excellent performance.

Organo clay Bentonite in waterproof materials is widely used, for example, spraying emulsified asphalt waterproof coating is mainly used for roof waterproof.

 As organoclay is also used in cosmetics, bentonite is widely used in nail polish in daily cosmetics.

Organophilic clay bentonite is used in petroleum drilling industry.

Organophilic clay bentonite is widely used in foreign or domestic deep wells.As a thickener and emulsion stabilizer in mud, drilling mud has good rheological properties and portability. It can be a good lubricant to prevent corrosion. 

For oil–ased mud used in very deep wells, applications or offshore drilling, O rganophilic claybentonite is a good experience. The excellent parcel cement slurry and high temperature resistant card remover prepared with it can be greatly improved. Drilling speed and reduce accidents.

Application of Organo clays Bentonite in Paint Ink.

Adding Organophilic clay to the paint ink can significantly improve the thixotropic suspension and stability of the ink and paint coating, improve its storage stability, increase the thickness of the paint film, and prevent it from flowing through the depression and sedimentation. When you apply organic bentonite to the ink, it can produce good usability and clear the characteristics of fast drying.

Organophilic clay shall be used in lubricating grease.

General lubricants are not suitable for high temperature and long time continuous operation. The organic lubricant, which is made by organo bentonite clay with more than 20% oil and 30% oil, has excellent lubricity, fire resistance, heat resistance, drug resistance, and high oil film strength, and does not drip at high temperatures.

When you use organoclays to the lubricant, it can show good anti settling performance, making the entire storage safe and reliable, and also can avoid oil painting problems in use. At the same time, its thixotropy performance is also an unexpected advantage.

Organo Clay


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Packing Details

Modified bentonite

Modified bentonite

Modified bentonite

25Kg/bag or customized Kraft complex interior with PE

25Kg/bag or customized Kraft complex interior with PE
800Kg/Pallet or  1MT/Pallet Wood Pallts or Plastic Pallets

800Kg/Pallet or 1MT/Pallet Wood Pallts or Plastic Pallets

16MT/20FCL with pallet 25MT/40FCL with pallet

16MT/20FCL with pallet 25MT/40FCL with pallet
